Holistic Well-being for High-achieving Women.

Find your Balance to Lead with Intention, not Exhaustion

Hello and Welcome My Love!

Nikki smith 1
Hi, I’m Nikki, your personal Women’s Empowerment & Well-being Coach & Mentor. I understand how it feels to be completely drained and overwhelmed, juggling endless responsibilities while losing sight of yourself.

I see you.

I help women just like you and specialise in supporting women on the verge of burn-out, who feel overwhelmed and lost, struggling to juggle too many responsibilities with no time left for yourself.

If you’re craving balance, and overall well-being, but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place. I’m here to personally guide you through the process of reconnecting with yourself and creating meaningful change that works for you through my Programs and Retreats.

What Is Holistic Well-Being?

Emotional Health
Stress management, emotional expression, and mental resilience.
Physical Health
Exercise, nutrition and sleep
Mental Health
Cognitive well-being, mindfulness, and personal growth.
Spiritual Health
Purpose, values, and connection to something greater than oneself.

Join Me in Bali – Mind, Body & Soul Cleanse & Refresh Retreat



What others are saying:
Nic   muley fruend
"Such an amazing experience with Nikki, it was fun, inspirational and very empowering for me to learn a lot more about myself and to see the many more possibilities of health and happiness."
— Nic Muley
Rebecca cullen
"This was the best in myself that I could have ever made.
Nikki - the gorgeous, amazing Nikki has helped me to find me.
With her guidance and empower she has given me so many tips and tools to help me move forward in my life. She has taught me how to be happy in  myself again - how to believe in myself and how to stop the limiting beliefs I was telling myself and that were holding me back from being my best self and from moving forward"
— Becc Cullen
Lisa hester
"Nikki is amazing at what she does. Her program enabled me to dive deep into some habits I wanted to change but they were easy to implement and Nikki is there with you all the way."
— Lisa Hester
Amber rowland
"Working with Nikki has absolutely changed my life. I have learnt and will continue to learn to change my mindset, my thought process. To be able to take a bad situation and still find the good in it. Nikki has helped put me on the path to self acceptance and taught me to show the love to myself that I give to everyone else around me. In 3 months I have learnt so much about myself and my life balance and will continue to learn everyday through the simple but incredible ways Nikki has taught me. I am incredibly thankful! And would recommend her program to everyone! It's never too late to invest in yourself!"
— Amber Rowland
Kelli hart
"Nikki has changed my life I reached out almost 12 months ago. I could not have gotten to were I am now without her guidance, encouragement, reassurance and tools to be in a much better place now. I highly recommend Nikki to anybody out there struggling with life thank you"
— Kelli Hart
Vanessa osbourne
"Nikkis program is the best group coaching program I've ever completed. For me, it was an absolute game-changer. Empower does as it says on the tin and in less than 10 weeks I had what I can only describe revelation.  Before the program, I was always looking for the next ’thing’ to get me to where I wanted to be. Nikki hit the nail on head and gave me a massive wake-up call - I had to stop looking externally for the answers as everything I needed was within me.  Nikki gave me the skills and confidence to believe in myself wholeheartedly.  Nikki is so passionate about what she does and she puts her heart and soul into her work. She coaches from the heart and truly cares about her clients and the results they get.  Highly Recommend, Thank you x."
— Vanessa Osborne
Sally roberts
"Nikki’s Empower program is exactly that, so empowering!

 I’ve learnt so much & gained so much from this journey. The group was so supportive & were really genuine, beautiful people who I was glad to share this journey with.

 I now have the tools & great resources that I can use forever with my personal development. Thanks for the experience & wonderful support!"
— Sally Roberts
Peta lynch
"I cannot recommend Nikki highly enough.  I recently invested in myself and dived head first into a 10 week course that Nikki was facilitating.
I have learned so much about myself. More than I ever expected and I’ve done it all in an environment that I was able to be open, honest and feel safe.
I was joined by a beautiful group of humans within this container, who were also needing some help and guidance. People I would never have met or connected with outside of the program.
 I found myself eager for our next session so I could learn more about me: the behaviours and thoughts that were no longer serving me, and how I was able to change them... some quiet easily.
 Nikki has helped me so much by supplying me with both the tools and support needed for me to be able to make some amazing life changes. Thanks Nikki!"
— Peta Lynch
  • Maybe you aren’t ready now to join my Retreat or Program, it doesn’t mean you’ll never be ready, right?
  • To start your journey, I am gifting you my ‘Just Breathe’ PDF - '3 Simple breathing Techniques to calm your mind and body that you can do anywhere'.
  • This will allow you to start connecting with your mind, body and soul and creating space and time for you each day.

Practicing these techniques and connecting with yourself, you’ll be more open to going on the journey of discovering your most empowered self…it all starts with one small step and I’m here with you for all of it.

My free gift to you: